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What the jury system is:

     The jury system consists of twelve people who sit in criminal and civil events to make decisions on matters of facts. The jury is called to serve when a defendant is a case pleads not guilty. If the plea was guilty the judge will then deal with sentencing the defendant. This service is considered to be an important civic or public duty, it is expected that the jury comes with an open mind instead of making a verdict out of their knowledge of the events.

The last scene in Merchant of Venice, due to jury trail's help, Shochley lost everything. There was a part of decision making by the jury trail and here are some advantages of jury system.

  • Jury will provide a sympathetic hearing (a fairer one). The jury has no previous knowledge of case and can give an unbiased decision.

  • Apply common values, meaning what is “honest” or “dishonest”.

  • When there is a “rouge” juror majority verdicts allow justice. This eliminates any juror having bias tendency or bring their personal feeling into the trial.

  • A jury trial can be elected by the defendants, indicating that he or she has the opportunity to a faire and just trial.

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